A built-in excel time/date function, EOMONTH is used to
calculate the last date of the month, n months in future of past. The result is
a serial date value. It is worksheet function and can be entered as a part of
other excel formulas. The function is good to fetch the due dates, expiration
dates and other dates that need to land on the last date of the month.
To find the last date of the month. Last date of the same
month, previous months or future months
=EOMONTH(start_date, month)
- Start_date.REQUIRED. Starting date for reference
- Month. REQURED.Number of months to be added in the start date. Value could be 0, +ve or –ve.
Return Type
Return Value
Serial date value
- If a decimal value is provided for months, the EOMONTH function will only add the integer portion to start_date.
- The EOMONTH function returns a serial date value, the way excel stores dates internally
- #NUM! error occurs when
- Start_date is not a valid excel date
- The supplied start_date plus the value of “months” argument is not a valid excel date.
- #VALUE error occurs when any of the supplied arguments is non-numeric.